Podcast: Afia and Erin's Real talk: MeToo In the Military
Current Affairs Times, launched the very first episode of our new show, Afia and Erin’s Real Talk: Politics Today. Our weekly podcast hosted by Afia Sengupta and Erin Mayer will offer a distilled version of the news. Additionally, our goal is to keep you informed and updated in a span of 30 minutes or less.
Our weekly talk show will be simple conversations about the news that matters. Also, we hope that our show will be consumed by focused, motivated, and hardworking individuals.
Today’s Guest – Dakin Weekley
This week our Q&A guest is Dakin Weekley, who has played a key role in the Democratic party of Key West and Monroe County as well as being a Bernie Sanders delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention. His keen insight can add a great deal of clarity to those of us still wondering about a few details that arose this past week. See what Weekley’s thoughts are on a number of both local & national issues follow the election!
You can find a video version of this podcast on our YouTube channel: Afia and Erin’s Real Talk at Current Affairs Times. We look forward to your questions, comments, and suggestions.
Thumbnail Credit: Current Affairs Times (image is copyrighted)