Aviation Health
Today we have with us, Captain. Reyne O’Shaughnessy. Reyne served as a commercial airline pilot for over 34 years for a Fortune 50 company and captained Boing 767/757, 747,727, and Airbus 300/310 with over 10,000 hours of total heavy jet flight time logged. Notably, thirty-four years ago Reyne was one of the first women Boeing 747 qualified. Captain Reyne is the founder of Piloting 2 Wellbeing and recently co-found Aviation Health and Wellbeing Institute. Both organizations are founded on the premise that focuses on providing a new vision of aviation safety, performance, and learning.
Captain Reyne has over a decade of experience as a wellness strategist with a particular focus on mindfulness-based training. She is a visionary leader who brings a clear idea of how the future of mental health and performance in aviation should look.
Her mission is to help pilots and aviation students navigate the regulated system of aviation in order to keep them flying healthy and her key focus is working on ensuring that aviation professionals know how to balance their physical & mental health and take care of their nutrition & well-being.
In 1997 Sewickley Chamber of Commerce honored her as the Citizen of the year.